Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/01/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: Lomonosov Moscow State University Zoological Museum (MSU)-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data resource: Aplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/05/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/05/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/05/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/09/1981 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/05/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/05/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Chevroderma turnerae Date: 01/05/1980 State: Façade Atlantique
record.owner_institution_code.label: INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER-PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna) Basis of record: Collection View record