Genus: Origanum | Origan, Origanum Date: 01/10/1988 State: Occitanie
record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Herbarium Dresdense Basis of record: Collection View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 03/05/2012 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Lagunes-étangs 2011-2012 - Autres lagunes Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 20/05/2016 - 30/05/2017 State: Façade Méditerranée
Data resource: CD26 - Valence - Echangeur dit 'de Montélier'_Enquête publique Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 13/06/2018 State: Centre-Val de Loire
Data resource: Flore - relevé phytosociologique Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 29/06/2022 - 30/06/2022 State: Normandie
Data resource: Inventaires Aéro Biodiversité - CFR - Observations opportunistes Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 22/05/2017 - 03/07/2017 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Volet flore - Projet photovoltaïque de Marigny - Terre Neuve (79) Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 21/09/2022 - 22/09/2022 State: Île-de-France
Data resource: Inventaires Aéro Biodiversité - ORY - Relevé végétation Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 02/07/2019 State: Occitanie
Data resource: Inventaire du buis dans les Hautes-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 05/05/2022 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Inventaires Aéro Biodiversité - ANG - Observations opportunistes Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 09/06/2020 State: Centre-Val de Loire
Data resource: PE de Brion- données de flore Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 07/07/2022 State: Normandie
Data resource: Projet de centrale photovoltaïque de Vernon Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 26/04/1988 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Données collectées par J. HOFSTRA sur l'Orchio-Brometum en Lot-et-Garonne Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 09/06/2020 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Stations d'Origanum vulgare Basis of record: Terrain View record
[Not specified]: Origanum vulgare subsp. vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 17/05/2016 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Data resource: MICA Environnement - Inventaires de la flore et de la fonge réalisés dans le cadre d'études environnementales Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 09/06/2020 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Stations d'Origanum vulgare Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 05/05/2021 - 29/06/2021 State: Centre-Val de Loire
record.owner_institution_code.label: ENVOL ENVIRONNEMENT Data resource: Données biodiversité Projet solaire de Hanches (28) Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 17/04/2019 - 09/07/2019 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Données ECR - Projet PV Châteauneuf-sur-Charente Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 15/06/2015 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Data resource: Données biodiversité Haimps-Massac Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 19/05/2020 - 18/03/2021 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: SYTRAD Data resource: BDD naturaliste ISDND St Sorlin en Valloire 26 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Origanum vulgare | Origan commun, Marjolaine sauvage Date: 21/04/2020 - 04/09/2020 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: ABO WIND SARL Data resource: Flore - inventaire Basis of record: Terrain View record