Scientific name |
Platycheirus aurolateralis |
Match type |
taxonIdMatch |
Phylum id |
183818 |
Family id |
184888 |
Taxon concept ID |
217582 |
Order |
Diptera |
Taxon rank id |
7000 |
Species id |
217582 |
Taxonomic issues |
Genus |
Platycheirus |
Left |
397175 |
Scientific name authorship |
Stubbs, 2002 |
Taxon rank |
species |
Genus id |
196380 |
Taxon ID |
217582 |
Order id |
184803 |
Right |
397175 |
Kingdom |
Animalia |
Class id |
184611 |
Phylum |
Arthropoda |
Classs |
Insecta |
Species |
Platycheirus aurolateralis |
Original name usage |
Platycheirus aurolateralis |
Family |
Syrphidae |
Kingdom id |
183716 |
Year |
2015 |
Dataset / Survey name |
[Revues diverses et littérature grise.] |
Month |
4 |
datePrecision |
Event date end |
2015-10-16 |
Day |
1 |
Event date |
2015-04-01/2015-10-16 |
2015-04-01 |
Date identified |
2018-10-19 |
2018-10-19 |
Identified by |
LAIR Xavier |
[LAIR Xavier] |
Associated references |
Gaudet, S. &- Girard, B. 2016. Etude de l'intégrité écologique du Vallon du - Vivier via la méthode Syrph the net. Parc Naturel Régional des boucles de la Seine normande, 47 p. |
Occurrence status |
Présent |
Basis of record |
Ne sait pas |
Record number |
2771223 |
Collection code |
5E92EF80-9D5E-3455-E053-2614A8C082D8 |
Occurrence ID |
788F2190-9D5A-177B-E053-2614A8C036D4 |
Institution code |
Information withheld |
Non |
Data generalizations |
XY centroïde ligne/polygone |
Dataset / Survey name |
[Revues diverses et littérature grise.] |
Recorded by |
GAUDET Simon,GIRARD Bérangère (PnrBSN,AgroSUP Dijon) |
[GAUDET Simon,GIRARD Bérangère (PnrBSN,AgroSUP Dijon)] |
Dataset ID |
5E92EF80-9D5E-3455-E053-2614A8C082D8 |
[5E92EF80-9D5E-3455-E053-2614A8C082D8] |
Data resource |
Revues diverses et littérature grise. |
Collection name |
5E92EF80-9D5E-3455-E053-2614A8C082D8 |
License |
Data resource uid |
dr6390 |
dr6390 |
Institution uid |
in1 |
Institution name |
Collection uid |
co1109 |
Country |
Decimal latitude |
49.49373 |
49.49373 |
Terrestrial |
true |
true |
Decimal longitude |
0.46163 |
0.46163 |
State province |
Normandie |
Biome |
Coordinate uncertainty in meters |
682 |
682.0 |
Marine |
false |
false |
Country code |
FR |
Footprint well known text |
POLYGON((0.46187 49.50058,0.46225 49.50065,0.46243 49.50038,0.46249 49.49993,0.46195 49.49943,0.46157 49.49885,0.4615 49.4985,0.46185 49.49666,0.46135 49.49453,0.4614 49.49433,0.46163 49.49391,0.46236 49.49312,0.46249 49.49285,0.4626 49.49233,0.46268 49.49145,0.46279 49.49032,0.46305 49.48994,0.46367 49.48948,0.46253 49.4886,0.46172 49.48899,0.46137 49.48945,0.46116 49.49016,0.46116 49.49046,0.46105 49.49089,0.46133 49.49131,0.46146 49.49213,0.46092 49.49297,0.46026 49.4938,0.46011 49.49429,0.46027 49.49503,0.46083 49.49588,0.46096 49.49653,0.46085 49.49745,0.46066 49.49796,0.46053 49.49825,0.46079 49.49896,0.461 49.49928,0.46148 49.49961,0.46165 49.49996,0.46187 49.50058)) |
Geodetic datum |
WGS84 |
EPSG:4326 |