Species: Miniopterus schreibersii | Minioptère de Schreibers Date: 30/06/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Rhinolophus hipposideros | Lesser Horseshoe Bat Date: 20/04/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Myotis daubentonii | Daubenton's Bat Date: 14/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Pipistrellus nathusii | Nathusius's Bat Date: 15/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Greater Horseshoe Bat Date: 14/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Hypsugo savii | Savi's Pipistrelle Date: 23/05/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Greater Horseshoe Bat Date: 30/06/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Calopteryx xanthostoma | Caloptéryx occitan Date: 01/06/1996 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Miniopterus schreibersii | Minioptère de Schreibers Date: 08/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Genus: Plecotus | Big-Eared Bats Date: 09/06/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Myotis blythii | Petit Murin Date: 17/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Miniopterus schreibersii | Minioptère de Schreibers Date: 23/05/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Anthocharis euphenoides | Aurore de Provence (L') Date: 18/04/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Hypsugo savii | Savi's Pipistrelle Date: 07/05/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Pipistrellus nathusii | Nathusius's Bat Date: 22/06/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Myotis blythii | Petit Murin Date: 09/06/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Myotis daubentonii | Daubenton's Bat Date: 10/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Pipistrellus kuhlii | Kuhl's Pipistrelle Date: 15/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Myotis blythii | Petit Murin Date: 16/07/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Soprano Pipistrelle Date: 12/04/2009 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83 Data resource: 2013_DREAL PACA - N2000 - Conseil Général 83_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record