Species: Glaucopsyche alexis | Azuré des Cytises (L') Date: 24/05/2013 State: Occitanie
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Date: 15/08/2011 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Pyronia tithonus | Amaryllis (L'), Satyre tithon (Le), Titon (Le) Date: 30/07/2001 State: Centre-Val de Loire
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Date: 22/07/2007 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Lysandra coridon | Argus bleu-nacré (L') Date: 21/07/2007 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Limenitis reducta | Sylvain azuré (Le), Camille (Le) Date: 29/05/2013 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Maniola jurtina | Myrtil (Le), Myrtile (Le), Jurtine (La), Janire (La) Date: 18/08/2011 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Celastrina argiolus | Azuré des Nerpruns (L'), Argus à bande noire (L'), Argus bordé (L'), Argiolus (L') Date: 26/05/2012 State: Grand Est
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Pieris napi | Piéride du Navet (La), Papillon blanc veiné de vert (Le) Date: 13/08/2005 State: Centre-Val de Loire
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Genus: Polyommatus Date: 14/08/2005 State: Centre-Val de Loire
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Coenonympha pamphilus | Fadet commun (Le), Procris (Le), Petit Papillon des foins (Le), Pamphile (Le) Date: 13/08/2005 State: Centre-Val de Loire
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Melanargia galathea | Demi-Deuil (Le), Échiquier (L'), Échiquier commun (L'), Arge galathée (L') Date: 17/07/2000 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Melitaea didyma | Mélitée orangée (La), Damier orangé (Le), Diane (La) Date: 16/07/2000 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Argynnis paphia | Tabac d'Espagne (Le), Nacré vert (Le), Barre argentée (La), Empereur (L') Date: 24/06/2017 State: Grand Est
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Melitaea didyma | Mélitée orangée (La), Damier orangé (Le), Diane (La) Date: 27/05/2013 State: Occitanie
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Spialia sertorius | Hespérie des Sanguisorbes (L'), Sao (La), Roussâtre (Le), Tacheté (Le) Date: 27/05/2013 State: Occitanie
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Family: Nymphalidae | Vanesses Date: 24/06/2017 State: Grand Est
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Lasiommata megera | Mégère (La), Satyre (Le) Date: 26/05/2013 State: Occitanie
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Arethusana arethusa | Mercure (Le), Petit Agreste (Le) Date: 21/08/2011 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record
Species: Carcharodus alceae | Hespérie de l'Alcée (L'), Hespérie de la Passe-Rose (L'), Grisette (La), Hespérie de la Guimauve (L'), Hespérie de la Mauve (L') Date: 16/07/2007 State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
record.owner_institution_code.label: Butterfly Conservation Europe Data resource: BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe Basis of record: Ne Sait Pas View record