Species: Petrocallis pyrenaica | Pétrocallide des Pyrénées, Pétrocallis des Pyrénées, Drave des Pyrénées Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Galium pyrenaicum | Gaillet des Pyrénées Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Petrocallis pyrenaica | Pétrocallide des Pyrénées, Pétrocallis des Pyrénées, Drave des Pyrénées Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Arenaria purpurascens | Sabline pourprée, Sabline rougissante Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Erinus alpinus | Fairy Foxglove Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Androsace ciliata | Androsace ciliée Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Silene acaulis | Moss Campion Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Saxifraga hypnoides | Mossy Saxifrage Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Iberis spathulata | Ibéride spatulée, Ibéris spatulé Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Saxifraga hypnoides | Mossy Saxifrage Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Arenaria ciliata | Fringed Sandwort Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Campanula scheuchzeri | Campanule de Scheuchzer Date: 01/01/1989 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Sedum atratum | Orpin noirâtre Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Thymus nervosus | Thym nervé, Thym à nervures saillantes, Thym à feuilles nervées, Serpolet à feuilles nervées Date: 01/01/1971 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Veronica nummularia | Véronique nummulaire, Véronique à feuilles de nummulaire Date: 01/01/1971 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Euphorbia pyrenaica | Euphorbe des Pyrénées, Euphorbe petit-buis Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Doronicum grandiflorum | Doronic à grandes fleurs Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Saxifraga oppositifolia | Purple Saxifrage Date: 01/01/1971 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record
Species: Arenaria grandiflora | Sabline à grandes fleurs Year: 1970 State: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
record.owner_institution_code.label: Directorate General of Environment and Water, Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, Government of Navarre-GBIF Spain Data resource: Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra Basis of record: Terrain View record