Species: Streptosyllis websteri Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Ectinosoma normani Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Macomangulus tenuis | Thin Tellin Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Tellimya ferruginosa Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Pteropsyllus consimilis Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Phoxocephalus holbolli Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Ophelina acuminata Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Class: Polyplacophora | chitons, sea cradles, polyplacophorans Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Apodopsyllus littoralis Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Owenia fusiformis Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Buccinum undatum | Common Whelk Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Tachidius discipes Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Paraleptastacus holsaticus Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Spio filicornis Date: 08/04/1986 State: Façade Manche
Data resource: Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Belgica cruise BG86-1 Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record