Species: Turdus philomelos | Grive musicienne Date: 02/02/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Fringilla coelebs | Pinson des arbres Date: 22/10/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Anthus spinoletta | Pipit spioncelle Date: 03/12/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Anthus pratensis | Pipit farlouse Date: 07/11/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Larus argentatus | Goéland argenté Date: 18/03/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Lophophanes cristatus | Mésange huppée Date: 05/12/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Certhia brachydactyla | Grimpereau des jardins Date: 19/03/2020 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Columba palumbus | Pigeon ramier Date: 22/10/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Certhia brachydactyla | Grimpereau des jardins Date: 15/12/2017 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Troglodytes troglodytes | Troglodyte mignon Date: 07/01/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Turdus merula | Merle noir Date: 22/02/2019 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Emberiza citrinella | Bruant jaune Date: 15/04/2020 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Streptopelia turtur | Tourterelle des bois Date: 16/06/2017 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Accipiter nisus | Épervier d'Europe Date: 08/05/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Scolopax rusticola | Bécasse des bois Date: 05/12/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Motacilla cinerea | Bergeronnette des ruisseaux Date: 19/03/2020 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Certhia brachydactyla | Grimpereau des jardins Date: 03/03/2020 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Poecile palustris | Mésange nonnette Date: 24/09/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Anthus pratensis | Pipit farlouse Date: 05/11/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record
Species: Larus fuscus | Goéland brun Date: 24/09/2018 State: Normandie
record.owner_institution_code.label: BIOTOPE NORMANDIE Data resource: Oiseaux - Inventaire non protocolé Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record