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SpeciesRumex acetosella |  Sheep's Sorrel Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesErvilia hirsuta |  Hairy Tare Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesSilene gallica |  Small-flowered Catchfly Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesValeriana dioica |  Marsh Valerian Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesVeronica chamaedrys |  Germander Speedwell Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesRumex obtusifolius |  Broad-leaved Dock Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

Sub-speciesLinum usitatissimum subsp. angustifolium |  Pale Flax Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesDaucus carota |  Carotte sauvage, Carotte commune, Daucus carotte Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPrunella vulgaris |  Herbe Catois Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesAchillea millefolium |  Yarrow Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPlantago lanceolata |  Ribwort Plantain Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesVicia angustifolia |  Narrow-leaved Vetch Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesMalva moschata |  Musk-mallow Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesBromus hordeaceus |  Brome mou, Brome orge Date: 27/05/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesSonchus asper |  Prickly Sow-thistle Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesCerastium fontanum |  Common Mouse-ear Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhleum pratense |  Timothy Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesDaucus carota |  Carotte sauvage, Carotte commune, Daucus carotte Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

GenusTaraxacum |  dandelions Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesGeranium molle |  Dove's-foot Crane's-bill Date: 11/06/2020 State: Occitanie

Data resource: Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes du CRPF en Midi-Pyrénées Basis of record: Terrain View record

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