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SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2021 State: Hauts-de-France

record.owner_institution_code.label: Stichting Xeno-canto voor Natuurgeluiden Data resource: Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2021 State: Hauts-de-France

record.owner_institution_code.label: Stichting Xeno-canto voor Natuurgeluiden Data resource: Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2021 State: Hauts-de-France

record.owner_institution_code.label: Stichting Xeno-canto voor Natuurgeluiden Data resource: Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2021 State: Hauts-de-France

record.owner_institution_code.label: Stichting Xeno-canto voor Natuurgeluiden Data resource: Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2021 State: Hauts-de-France

record.owner_institution_code.label: Stichting Xeno-canto voor Natuurgeluiden Data resource: Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 12/10/1957 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Data resource: Oiseaux occasionnels de France Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 13/10/2017 State: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

record.owner_institution_code.label: Conservatoire du Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres Data resource: 2021_Conservatoire du littoral_1 Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 17/10/2022 State: Bretagne

Data resource: iNaturalist Research-grade Observations Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 17/10/2022 State: Façade Atlantique

Data resource: iNaturalist Research-grade Observations Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 17/10/2022 State: Bretagne

Data resource: iNaturalist Research-grade Observations Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2018 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: LIGUE POUR LA PROTECTION DES OISEAUX Data resource: Liste des espèces de la faune sauvage de la base de données naturalistes Faune-France 2018. Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2020 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: COMITE TECHNIQUE FAUNE-FRANCE Data resource: Données Naturalistes Faune-France 2020 Communes Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 12/10/2021 State: Façade Atlantique

Data resource: Données Naturalistes Faune-France 2021 Communes Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2021 State: Hauts-de-France

Data resource: Données Naturalistes Faune-France 2021 Communes Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 19/10/2020 State: Bretagne

record.owner_institution_code.label: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Data resource: EOD - eBird Observation Dataset Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 17/10/2020 State: Bretagne

record.owner_institution_code.label: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Data resource: EOD - eBird Observation Dataset Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2020 State: Bretagne

record.owner_institution_code.label: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Data resource: EOD - eBird Observation Dataset Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 11/10/2014 State: Hauts-de-France

record.owner_institution_code.label: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Data resource: EOD - eBird Observation Dataset Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 16/10/2020 State: Bretagne

record.owner_institution_code.label: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Data resource: EOD - eBird Observation Dataset Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPhylloscopus schwarzi |  Pouillot à grands sourcils, Pouillot de Schwarz Date: 17/10/2022 State: Bretagne

record.owner_institution_code.label: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Data resource: EOD - eBird Observation Dataset Basis of record: Terrain View record

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