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SpeciesDiploneis elliptica State: Nouvelle-Calédonie

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

SpeciesDiploneis smithii State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

SpeciesDiploneis pseudovalis State: Mayotte

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

SpeciesDiploneis oblongella State: Nouvelle-Calédonie

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

SpeciesDiploneis puella State: Mayotte

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

SpeciesDiploneis puella State: La Réunion

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

SpeciesDiploneis elliptica State: La Réunion

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF Basis of record: Littérature View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 31/10/2014 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 15/03/2010 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 12/04/1986 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 11/06/1988 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 10/03/2015 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 18/11/2014 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 19/01/1986 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 09/11/2000 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 16/01/1994 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 16/03/2016 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 02/07/1984 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 15/02/2004 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

GenusDiploneis Date: 06/02/2014 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD), The Marine Biological Association of the UK Data resource: The CPR Survey Basis of record: Collection View record

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