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SpeciesStyela loculosa Date: 01/01/1976 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesBotryllus schlosseri |  Star Ascidian, Star tunicate, Golden star sea-squirt Date: 19/06/2010 State: Façade Manche

record.owner_institution_code.label: PATRINAT (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD) Data resource: Données naturalistes d'Anthony DORE Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesPolycarpa maruhi Date: 01/04/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Collection View record

SpeciesStyela canopus Date: 01/04/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesBotrylloides niger Date: 01/06/1984 - 30/06/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Collection View record

SpeciesPolycarpa tumida Date: 15/05/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesPolycarpa pseudoalbatrossi Date: 01/01/1972 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPolycarpa biscayensis Date: 01/01/1972 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesBotryllus schlosseri |  Star Ascidian, Star tunicate, Golden star sea-squirt Date: 02/07/2015 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: SERVICE PATRIMOINE NATUREL Data resource: Inventaire de l'îlot du Lédénez Vraz Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesBathystyeloides enderbyanus Date: 01/01/1972 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesStyela charcoti Date: 01/01/1972 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPolycarpa pseudoalbatrossi Date: 01/01/1972 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesDistomus variolosus |  Lesser Gooseberry Sea Squirt Date: 17/05/2014 State: Normandie

record.owner_institution_code.label: CELLULE DE SUIVI DU LITTORAL NORMAND Data resource: Occurrences d'espèces des habitats littoraux marins et estuariens de Normandie. Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesBathystyeloides enderbyanus Date: 01/01/1976 State: Façade Atlantique

record.owner_institution_code.label: Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch (RAS-FEB) Data resource: Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe Basis of record: Terrain View record

SpeciesPolycarpa tumida Date: 01/04/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesStyela clava |  Ascidie plissée, Ascidie japonaise Date: 30/09/2020 State: Façade Manche

record.owner_institution_code.label: TBM ENVIRONNEMENT Data resource: PEN_HALIEUTIQUE_CHALUT_CANADIEN Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesBotryllus schlosseri |  Star Ascidian, Star tunicate, Golden star sea-squirt Date: 12/06/2010 State: Façade Manche

record.owner_institution_code.label: MNHN-SPN Data resource: Données naturalistes de Pierre NOEL (Tatihou) Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesPolycarpa tumida Date: 15/05/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

SpeciesStyela canopus Date: 01/06/1984 - 30/06/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Collection View record

SpeciesSymplegma brakenhielmi Date: 01/04/1984 State: Polynésie française

record.owner_institution_code.label: MUSEUM NATIONAL D HISTOIRE NATURELLE Data resource: Inventaire des Ascidies de Polynésie française Basis of record: Ne sait pas View record

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